Introduction to the Tackling Tough Conversations Course
Tackling Tough Conversations - Learning Outcomes
Tips to Develop your Emotional Intelligence
Leading and Managing Awkward People
When a Tough Conversation is Needed
The Challenge of Unchallenged Behaviour
Emotional Responses Influencing Tough Conversations
How Assumptions can Lead to Issues
Working with our Assumptions and Judgments
Assumptive Behaviours and Communication Breakdowns
How to use your Behavioural Flexibility to Prevent Situations from Escalating
Your Behavioural Agility and your Emotional Intelligence
Preparing for the Conversation in an Adult Fashion
The Importance of Rapport
Dialogue versus Debate
The Levels of Listening
Empathetic, Active Listening
Issues around Listening
Ways to Develop Key Listening Skills
Managing Fight and Flight Behaviour
Assertiveness, Emotional Intelligence and Tough Conversations
Everyone's Rights and Responsibilities
Practical Activity: The Rules of Assertiveness
The Good News about Breaking Bad News
Face the Facts
Working with Emotions and Identity
The Stages of Delivering Bad News
Bad News: Tough Reactions
Tackling Tough and Difficult Conversations Quiz
Introducing Language Patterns
Language Patterns - Ambiguous Language
Language Patterns - Influential Language
Language Patterns - Rules and Power Words
Language Patterns - Unconscious Language
Practical Activity: Tackling Tough, Difficult Conversations
Do's and Don'ts with Tough Conversations
Key Takeaways from the Course