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Introduction to the Working with Social Interaction Styles Course
Practical Activity - Reflecting on this Personality Course
The Challenges of Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence
Communication And How Communication Breakdowns Occur
The Messages in Non-Verbal signals
Incongruence - The Mismatch Between The Words Used and Body Language
Metaphors And Association In The Way That We Communicate
The Importance of Rapport in Communication
The Key Component Of Communication - Listening
The Five Levels of Listening
Empathetic Active Listening
Issues around Listening
Barriers to Communication in Leadership
The Role of Empathy in Conflict
Activity Booklet - Assessing your Social Interaction Style
The Four Social Interaction Styles
How And Why Tension Between The Styles Develops
The Reactions To Pressure Of The Social Interaction Styles
What Happens With Increasing Pressure
The Stress Responses of the Social Interaction Styles
The Driver Social Interaction Style
Summary Booklet - The Driver Social Interaction Style
The Conflict Responses of the Driver Social Interaction Style
The Stress Response of the Driver Social Interaction Style
Lightbulb Moments - Engaging with Others: The Driver Social Interaction Style
The Expressive Social Interaction Style
Summary Booklet - The Expressive Social Interaction Style
The Conflict Responses of the Expressive Social Interaction Style
The Stress Response of the Expressive Social Interaction Style
Lightbulb Moments - Engaging with Others: The Expressive Social Interaction Style
The Amiable Social Interaction Style
Summary Booklet - The Amiable Social Interaction Style
The Conflict Responses of the Amiable Social Interaction Style
The Stress Response of the Amiable Social Interaction Style
Lightbulb Moments - Engaging with Others: The Amiable Social Interaction Style
The Analytical Social Interaction Style
Summary Booklet - The Analytical Social Interaction Style
The Conflict Responses of the Analytical Social Interaction Style
The Stress Response of the Analytical Social Interaction Style
Lightbulb Moments - Engaging with Others: The Analytical Social Interaction Style
Quiz: Test Your Social Interaction Styles Knowledge Quiz
Activity Booklet - Your Least Favoured Social Interaction Style
Quiz: Test your Adaptability to the Social Interaction Styles
Activity Booklet - Assessing the Social Interaction Styles of Others
The Ideal Behaviours for Ideal Interactions
Developing Your Emotional and Social Skills
Emotional Intelligence and the Social Interaction Styles
Using your Understanding and Knowledge of the Social Interaction Styles
Being Flexible with the Social Interaction Styles
Summary Sheet - Emotional Intelligence and Social Interaction Styles
Activity Booklet - Social Interaction Styles Taking Action
Lightbulb Moments - Engaging with Others

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    Amazing, wonderful and incredible course

    First of all I would like to say thank you to Robin for this opportunity to get this course. I strongly suggest everyone to take this course. It's not only for business persons or for persons who are interested in emotional intelligence (EI), but also for people who communicate with friends, with family, and with everyone's. The styles of behaviours are very important to understand. Everyone can find their behaviour here and can improve it and avoid the bad habits. Each of us can find the solution to communicate with others and reduce the conflict and stressful situations. All this you can find in this course. Thank you, With great wishes Mariam