Introductory Video to The Authority Guide to Behaviour in Business
Introduction to Behaviour in Business
About this Course
Why Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence are More Significant than Cognitive Intelligence
Emotional and Social Intelligence at Work
Emotional Intelligence as a Series of Abilities
Emotional Intelligence as a Series of Competencies
Ways of Measuring and Assessing Emotional Intelligence
What is Social Intelligence?
The Principles of Social Intelligence
The SPACE Formula - A Set of Behaviours that Make up Social Intelligence Skills
How Emotional and Social Intelligence are Related
The Definition of Empathy
Empathy vs Sympathy - The Intelligence in Empathy
Introducing Human Factors
Considering Human Factors
When Human Factors Become Useful
The Benefits of the Non-Technical Skills of Human Factors
Perception - How you Perceive the World Around You
Sensory Input - Sensing the World Through your Senses
Inattentional Blindness - The Illusion of Attention
Change Blindness - How You Can Be Totally Blind to Subtle Changes Around You
How you Filter Information
Beliefs, Memories and Values
What is Memory?
Yours is Not the Only Truth
Moving Beyond Past Experiences into a New Reality
Your State, Your Physiology, and Your Behaviour
The Way the Brain Works
What Thinking is all About
What Empathy is all About
The Neuroscience of Empathy
Communication and Communication Breakdown
Elements of Non-Verbal Communication
Incongruence - When Words and Body Language don't Match
Metaphors and Association
The Importance of Rapport in Communication
The Importance of Listening
Ways to Develop Key Listening Skills
Barriers to Communication in Leadership
How Conflict Works in Communication
The Role of Empathy in Conflict
Activity Booklet - Assessing your Social Interaction Style
The Four Social Interaction Styles
The Driver Social Interaction Style
The Driver Social Interaction Style Summary Booklet
The Expressive Social Interaction Style
The Expressive Social Interaction Style Summary Booklet
The Amiable Social Interaction Style
The Amiable Social Interaction Style Summary Booklet
The Analytical Social Interaction Style
The Analytical Social Interaction Style Summary Booklet
Tension Between The Social Interaction Styles
Social Interaction Styles Quiz
Reactions to Pressure
The Driver Social Interaction Style Conflict Responses
The Expressive Social Interaction Style Conflict Responses
The Amiable Social Interaction Style Conflict Responses
Analytical Social Interaction Style Conflict Responses
What Happens with Increasing Pressure
Stress Responses of the Social Interaction Styles
Stress Response of the Driver Social Interaction Style
Stress Response of the Expressive Social Interaction Style
Stress Response of the Amiable Social Interaction Style
Stress Response of the Analytical Social Interaction Style
Ideal Behaviours for Ideal Interactions
Activity Booklet - Assessing the Social Interaction Styles of Others
Developing Emotional and Social Skills
How the Social Interaction Styles use their Emotional Intelligence
Being Flexible with the Social Interaction Styles
Using your Understanding of Social Interaction Styles
What Makes Up An Organisation's Structure?
How An Organisation's Hierarchy Works
Working With Behavioural and Personality Assessments
Emotional and Social Intelligence in Organisations
Organisational Policies around Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
The Role of Employee Engagement
Lightbulb Moments - Engaging with Others