Introductory Video to the Practitioner Course
Introduction and Learning Outcomes
A Straightforward Definition of Emotional Intelligence
What is the Difference Between EQ and EI?
The Thoughts of Dr.David Caruso on Emotional Intelligence
Insights into Emotions
Emotions and Emotional Intelligence at Work
How the Emotional Climate Influences Teams and Teamworking
Working with the Emotional Climate
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Emotional Intelligence
Quiz: Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
How The View on Emotions Has Changed
The Development and Function of Emotions
One Minute Observation Test
The Basic Anatomy of the Brain
The Basic Human Emotions Experienced and Expressed by Everyone
Posters: The Facial Expressions of the Basic Human Emotions
Quiz: Test your Knowledge of Emotions and Facial Expressions
The Myth about Positive and Negative Emotions
Exploring and Navigating Emotions
Identifying Emotion and Working to Understand Emotion
Tips to Develop Emotional Intelligence through Emotional Management
Quiz: Test your Understanding of Emotions
Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence Framework
The Competencies of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence as a Set of Abilities
More about Emotional Intelligence as a Set of Abilities
What we can Learn from the Six Seconds Framework of Emotional Intelligence
Measuring and Assessing Emotional Intelligence
Discussion: Using your Emotional Intelligence Competencies
Quiz: Test your Knowledge of Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence Framework
Activity Booklet - Assess your Emotional Intelligence
Choices and Practising to Become More Emotionally Intelligent
Practical Hints and Tips around Practising Emotional Intelligence
The One Percent Solution and One Minute Levers for Developing Emotional Intelligence
Some Do's and Don'ts Around Working with Emotional Intelligence
Quiz: Test your Knowledge about Practising Emotional Intelligence
Insights into Emotional Intelligence Lightbulb Moments Cards
Comprehending Emotions
Activity Booklet - The Emotionally Unintelligent Leader
Discussion: The Emotionally Unintelligent Leader
Introduction to The Inner World
What is Self-Awareness? Exploring Self-Awareness
The Johari Window - Insights into your Relationship with Yourself and Others
Self Limiting Beliefs - How Your Beliefs Can Get In the Way
Using Visualisation to Change Your Beliefs
Using Affirmations To Change Your Beliefs
Investigating Values
Activity Booklet - Assessing your Behavioural Style
William Moulton Marston's Model of the Behavioural Expression of Emotions
The High Dominance Behavioural Style
The High Dominance Summary Booklet
The High Influence Behavioural Style
The High Influence Summary Booklet
The High Steadiness Behavioural Style
The High Steadiness Summary Booklet
The High Compliance Behavioural Style
High Compliance Summary Sheet
Poster: How The Behavioural Styles Express Emotional Intelligence
The Ideal Behaviour for Ideal Interactions
Discussion: Your Behavioural Style
Quiz: Test your Knowledge and Understanding of Behavioural Styles
Sensory Input - Sensing The World Through Your Senses
Filtering Reality - How You Filter Information
Emotional States, Moods, Traits and Styles
Ways of Noticing Feelings
How Emotions Can Be Managed and Handled
What can Influence the Expression of Emotions
Detachment - Emotional Detachment in Stressful Circumstances
Ways of Expressing Emotion Intelligently
Activity Booklet - Exploring your Hot Buttons
Discussion: Exploring your Hot Buttons
Introduction to The Outer World
Interpersonal Skills: Hints and Tips Working With Interpersonal Skills
Defining Empathy
Empathy vs Sympathy - The Intelligence in Empathy
The Way the Brain Works
Thinking and the Brain - What Thinking is all About
Empathy and the Brain - What Empathy is all About
The Neuroscience of Empathy
Ways to Demonstrate Empathy
Body Language And Non-Verbal Communication
Interpreting Some Non-Verbal Signals
Activity Booklet - Developing Empathy
Discussion: Developing Empathy
Some Problems Interpreting Expression of Emotion
A Key Emotional Intelligence Skill - Empathetic Listening
Some Hints and Tips to Understand and Develop Empathy
The Importance of Relationships with Others
Activity Booklet - Working with Other's Behavioural Styles
Working with Other's Behavioural Styles Discussion
Quiz: Test your Adaptability to Work with Other Behavioural Styles
The Learning Outcomes of This Motivation Module
Investigating Motivation
Theories of Motivation - Needs Theories
Theories of Motivation - Vroom's Expectancy Theory
Theories of Motivation - Goals Theory
Why Rewards Affect Motivation
Words That Change Minds
Understanding Meta-Programs
Working With The Level of Motivation
Working With The Criteria of Motivation
Working With The Direction of Motivation
Working With The Source of Motivation
Working With The Reason for Motivation
Working With The Decision Factors of Motivation
Learning Summary and Takeaways
Activity Booklet - Determining Motivational Traits
Discussion: Motivation Traits
Quiz: Test your Knowledge about Motivation
Motivation Lightbulb Moments Cards
The Learning Outcome of this Module on Emotional Intelligence Coaching
Why Coaching in the Workplace is Necessary and When to Coach
The Core Skills of Coaching
The GROW (Goal, Reality, Options, Will) Model of Coaching
Questions to Explore Emotions
Coaching around the Emotions of Situations
Review of this Module on Coaching
Coaching Lightbulb Moments Cards
Activity Booklet - Gaining Experience of Coaching
Discussion: Your Experience With Coaching
The Learning Outcomes of this Emotional Resilience Module
A Job Advertisement and a Reality Check - Master of the Universe
How Emotional Intelligence and Resilience Work Together
Three Phrases that Drain Resilience - How Many Of These Are You Using?
The Definition of Resilience (It's NOT Bouncing Back!)
Why Resilience is Useful and When Resilience is Useful
Action Strategies - Learning Outcomes
Action Strategies to Develop Resilience - Strategy 1. Feel in Control
Action Strategies to Develop Resilience - Strategy 2. Create a Personal Vision
Action Strategies to Develop Resilience - Strategy 3. Be Flexible and Adaptable
Action Strategies to Develop Resilience - Strategy 4. Get Organised
Action Strategies to Develop Resilience - Strategy 5. A Mindset for Problem Solving
Action Strategies to Develop Resilience - Strategy 6. Get Connected
Action Strategies to Develop Resilience - Strategy 7. Be Socially Competent
Action Strategies to Develop Resilience - Strategy 8. Be Proactive
Developing Resilience Lightbulb Moments Cards
The Learning Outcomes of this Managing Change Module
The Various Types of Change in Organisations
Ways of Working with Change
Managing the Change Process
Managing Change in Complex Systems
Personal Transition through Change and the Emotional Phases
Personal Transition through Change
Some Wisdom Around Change
Review of This Module on Managing Change
Quiz: Personal Transition Through Change Quiz
Activity Booklet - Working through a Change Management Programme
Discussion: Change Management
Final Quiz: Test your Knowledge of Emotional Intelligence
Change Management Lightbulb Moments Cards
eLearning Terms And Conditions
Emotional Intelligence - Frequently Asked Questions
The Coaching Manual for Emotional Intelligence Coaching
Practitioner in Emotional Intelligence Programme Course Notes

Foundation in Emotional Intelligence

  • Equivalent to 6 hours CPE / CPD

  • HD 1080p Videos

  • Editable PDFs

  • Interactive Quizzes

  • Lightbulb Moments Resource Cards

  • Reference Material

  • Certificates from Ei4Change and The Institute of Leadership

  • What is Emotional Intelligence?

  • Emotions

  • The Practical Application of Emotional Intelligence Models

  • Developing your Emotional Intelligence

Student Membership of The Institute of Leadership


Practitioner in Emotional Intelligence

  • Equivalent to 36 hours CPE / CPD

  • HD 1080p Videos

  • Editable PDFs

  • Interactive Quizzes

  • Lightbulb Moments Resource Cards

  • Reference Material

  • Certificates from Ei4Change and The Institute of Leadership

  • What is Emotional Intelligence?

  • Emotions

  • The Practical Application of Emotional Intelligence Models

  • Developing your Emotional Intelligence

  • Experience of the Inner World - Self-Awareness

  • Experience of the Inner World - Emotions and their Management

  • Experience of the Outer World

  • Determining what Motivates Others

  • Emotional Intelligence Coaching

  • Emotional Resilience

  • Managing Change

  • The letters - AIoL - after your name

Associate Membership of The Institute of Leadership


Master Practitioner in Emotional Intelligence

  • Equivalent to 72 hours CPE / CPD

  • HD 1080p Videos

  • Editable PDFs

  • Interactive Quizzes

  • Lightbulb Moments Resource Cards

  • Reference Material

  • Certificates from Ei4Change and The Institute of Leadership

  • What is Emotional Intelligence?

  • Emotions

  • The Practical Application of Emotional Intelligence Models

  • Developing your Emotional Intelligence

  • Experience of the Inner World - Self-Awareness

  • Experience of the Inner World - Emotions and their Management

  • Experience of the Outer World

  • Determining what Motivates Others

  • Emotional Intelligence Coaching

  • Emotional Resilience

  • Managing Change

  • Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

  • Managing Stress

  • Emotional Intelligence Decision Making

  • Interpersonal Relationships, Teamwork, and Conflict

  • The letters - MIoL - after your name

Professional Membership of The Institute of Leadership
