The Authority Guide to Behaviour in Business
CourseHow to inspire others and build successful relationships with authenticity through understanding and empathy.
Master Practitioner in Emotional Intelligence (Approved by the Institute of Leadership)
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)Cultivate emotional intelligence through advanced techniques of awareness, action, tailored communication, and authentic leadership.

Introduction to the Principles of Emotional Intelligence
The Principles of Emotional Intelligence
The Fundamental Principles - Learning Outcomes
A Straightforward Definition of Emotional Intelligence
What is the Difference Between EI and EQ?
Attitude and Emotional Intelligence
What is the Difference Between Emotions and Feelings?
Emotional Intelligence and Emotions at Work
How the Emotional Climate Influences Teams and Teamworking
Working with the Emotional Climate
Some of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Emotional Intelligence
A One Minute Observation Test
The Basic Anatomy of the Brain
The Three Human Brains
Emotions and Higher Order State
The Basic Emotions Experienced and Expressed by Everyone
More about Basic Emotions
The Wheel of Emotion - 8 Primary Bipolar Emotions Presented in a Wheel
Constructing Emotions
Understanding and Managing your Emotions
Daniel Goleman's Framework of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence as a Series of Abilities
More about Emotional Intelligence as a Set of Abilities
What we can Learn from the Six Seconds Framework of Emotional Intelligence
Ways of Measuring and Assessing Emotional Intelligence
Learning about Emotional Intelligence and Working with the Practical Activities
Activity Booklet - Assessing your Emotional Intelligence
Quiz: Test your Knowledge of Emotional Intelligence
Introducing the Further Principles of Emotional Intelligence covered in the Course
The Principles of Self-Perception
What is Self-Awareness? Exploring Self-Awareness
The Challenges of Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence
The Benefits of Self-Awareness
Ten Tips for Improving your Self-Awareness
Activity Booklet - Assess your Self-Perception
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Self-Regard
Some Examples of Self-Regard in Action
What are Good Levels of Self Regard?
Self Limiting Beliefs - How Your Beliefs Can Get In the Way
Self-Disclosure and the Johari Window - Insights into your Relationship with Yourself and Others
Investigating Values
Learning Review of this Module on Self-Regard
Activity Booklet - Working with your Values
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Emotional Self-Awareness
Some Examples of Emotional Self-Awareness
The Development and Function of Emotions
How The View on Emotions Has Changed
Ways of Noticing Feelings
How to Manage and Handle Emotions
The Skill of Mastering Emotions
Learning Review of this Module on Emotional Self-Awareness
Activity Booklet - Emotions and their Management
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Self-Actualization
Some Examples of Self-Actualization in Action
What is your Core Purpose or Vocation in Life?
Creating the Life of your Dreams
Goals and Goal Setting
Understanding Goal Setting and Planning
Exploring Beliefs
Ways you can Consider to Rewire your Brain
Using Visualisation to Change your Beliefs
Lightbulb Moments Resource Cards - Visualisations
Using Affirmations to Change your Beliefs
Learning Review of this Module on Emotional Self-Actualization
Activity Booklet - Defining your Life Goals
Quiz: Self-Awareness and Self-Perception
The Principles of Self-Expression
How Self-Esteem Underpins Self-Expression
Activity Booklet - Assess your Self-Expression
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Emotional Expression
Insights into Emotions
Emotional Moods, Traits and Styles
The Chimp Paradox and the Expression of Emotions - A Powerful Mind Management Model
Exploring and Navigating Emotions
The Misconceptions about Positive and Negative Emotions
Some Influences that Impact upon Emotional Expression
Ways to Express Emotions Intelligently
Tips for Managing Emotional Hot Buttons and Triggers
Communicating Feelings and The Expression of Emotion
Learning Review of this Module on Emotional Expression
Activity Booklet - Learning from Emotions at Work
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Assertiveness
Everyone's Rights and Responsibilities around Assertiveness
Some Barriers to Assertiveness
The Choices of Behaviour around Assertiveness
Defining Aggressive Behaviour
Defining Passive Behaviour
Defining Assertive Behaviour
Recognising Aggressive, Passive, and Assertive Behaviours Booklet
Defining Passive-Aggressive Behaviour
Some Methods and Techniques to Improve your Assertiveness
Some Ways to Say "No" and Not Feel Guilty
Poster: Ways to Say "No"
The Rules of Assertiveness
Learning Review of this Module on Assertiveness
Activity Booklet - The Rules of Assertiveness
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Independence
What is Emotional Independence?
How your Independence is Linked to your Self-Esteem
Good Levels of Independence
Maintaining your Independence through Feedback
Developing Independence
Learning Review of this Module on Independence
Activity Booklet - Your Positive Attributes and Capabilities
Quiz: Self-Expression
The Principles of Interpersonal Skills
Working with your Interpersonal Skills - Some Hints and Tips
Activity Booklet - Assess your Interpersonal Relationships
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Empathy
The Need for Empathy at Work
The Definition of Empathy
The Intelligence in Empathy
The Three Types of Empathy
The Way the Brain Works
The Way the Brain Works with Thinking
The Way the Brain Works with Empathy
The Neuroscience of Empathy
Ways of Demonstrating Empathy
The Messages in Non-Verbal Signals within Body Language
Interpreting Some Non-Verbal Signals
The Importance of Rapport in Communication
The Art of Listening
Listening Skills: Empathetic Active Listening
Issues around Listening
Ways to Develop Key Listening Skills
Understanding and Developing Empathy
Learning Review of this Module on Empathy
Activity Booklet - Developing Empathy
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Interpersonal Relationships
The Importance of Relationships
The Benefits of Conflict in Interpersonal Relationships
Working with Conflict in Supportive Ways
The Role of Empathy in Conflict
Conflict and Trust in Relationships
The Importance of Trust in Relationships
What the Wheel of Emotions can Tell us about Trust
The Trust Equation
Motivation and Trust
Ways of Working that Build Trust
The Principles of the Economies of Trust
Learning Review of this Module on Interpersonal Relationships
Activity Booklet - Checking your Emotional Bank Account
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Social Responsibility
Defining Social Responsibility
Factors That Influence Decisions Around Ethics and Social Responsibility
The Principles of Ethical Leadership - How this Drives Social Responsibility
Learning Review of this Module on Social Responsibility
Activity Booklet - Care and Support in the Workplace
Quiz: Interpersonal Skills
The Principles of Decision Making
How Emotions Drive Decision Making
Feedback in Decision Making
Activity Booklet - Assess your Decision Making
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Reality Testing
The Differences Between Objectivity and Subjectivity
Exploring The Sensory Input Challenges
What is Really Happening?
How Reality is Filtered
Investigating How Beliefs, Memories and Values Influence Reality
Interpretations of Memory
More about Memory
The Influence of Values and Beliefs on Decisions
Recognising Key Aspects of your Reality
Some Observations of Behaviour and Reality
Moving Beyond Past Experiences into a New Reality
Learning Review of this Module on Reality Testing
Activity Booklet - What is your Reality?
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Problem Solving
Investigating The Two Types of Problem
How Adaptability, Risk and Innovation are Involved in Problem Solving
Debunking the Myth about Left Brain / Right Brain Thinking
How to Work with Creativity
How Intuition is Involved in Problem Solving
The Six Steps to Solving Problems
The SCAMPER Technique of Problem Solving Explained
Some Considerations around Working with SCAMPER
How Emotions can Influence the Way Decisions are Made
Learning Review of this Module on Problem Solving
Activity Booklet - Problem Solving with SCAMPER
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Impulse Control
Defining Willpower
Developing your Impulse Control
Techniques to Improve your Impulse Control around your Use of Technology
How your Amygdala can be Hijacked and how this Impacts Upon Decision Making
Some Ways to Work with Your Impulse Control
Learning Review of this Module on Impulse Control
Activity Booklet - Impulses and Gratification at Work
Quiz: Decision Making
The Principles of Stress Management
Recognising Stress
Can Stress Ever be Described as Useful?
What Coping Techniques Do You Use?
Strategies for Managing Stress
Activity Booklet - Assess your Stress Management
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Stress Tolerance
Challenge, Stress and Resilience
A Job Advertisement and a Reality Check
An Emotionally Intelligent Definition of Resilience
Resilience is a Mindset
The Benefits of Resilience
The Information in Emotions
Emotional Intelligence and Resilience
Putting Stress Tolerance to Use
Learning Review of this Module on Stress Tolerance
Activity Booklet - Recognising Stressful Situations
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Flexibility
Personality Preferences around Flexibility
The Differences Between Planning and Spontaneous Types
How to be More Flexible
Working with Change
Learning Review of this Module on Flexibility
Activity Booklet - Assess your Flexibility
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Optimism
Defining Optimism and Pessimism and the Differences Between Them
The Surprising Link Between Optimism and Health
Hints and Tips to Develop Optimism
How to Work with Negativity
Learning Review of this Module on Optimism
Activity Booklet - How you Work with Optimism
Quiz: Stress Management
Why Being Selfish, Prejudiced and Narrow-Minded Develops Emotional Intelligence
Choices and Practising to Become More Emotionally Intelligent
Practical Hints and Tips around Practising Emotional intelligence
Do's and Don'ts around Emotional Intelligence
The One Percent Solution and One Minute Levers for Developing Emotional Intelligence
Conclusion to the Course
Final Quiz: Test your Knowledge of Emotional Intelligence
Lightbulb Moments - Insights into Emotional Intelligence
Lightbulb Moments - Comprehending Emotions
Lightbulb Moments - Insights into Empathy
Lightbulb Moments - Developing Resilience
Great job
All is interesting and very useful.