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Introduction to the Self-Awareness and Self-Perception Course
About this Self-Awareness and Self-Perception Course
What is Self-Awareness? Investigating and Defining Self-Awareness
The Challenges of Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence
The Benefits of Self-Awareness
How the Course relates to Emotional Intelligence and the EQ-i 2.0
Activity Booklet - Assess your Self-Perception
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Self-Regard
Some Examples of Self Regard in Action
What are Good Levels of Self Regard?
Self Limiting Beliefs - How Your Beliefs Can Get In the Way
The Johari Window - Insights into your Relationship with Yourself and Others
Investigating Values
The Review of this Module on Self-Regard
Activity Booklet - Working with your Values
Self Regard Discussion
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Emotional Self-Awareness
Some Examples of Emotional Self-Awareness
One Minute Observation Test
The Basic Anatomy of the Brain
The 7 Basic Human Emotions
The Biological Function of Emotions
Emotional States, Moods, Traits and Styles
The Difference Between Emotions and Feelings
How The View on Emotions Has Changed
Ways of Noticing Feelings
How to Manage and Handle Emotion
The Skill of Mastering Emotion
Detachment - Emotional Detachment in Stressful Circumstances
The Review of This Module on Emotional Self-Awareness
Activity Booklet - Emotions and their Management
Emotional Self Awareness Discussion
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on Self-Actualization
Some Examples of Self-Actualization
What is Your Core Purpose or Vocation in Life?
Creating the Life of your Dreams
Goals and Goal Setting
Understanding Goal Setting and Planning
Exploring Beliefs
Using Visualisation to Change Your Beliefs
Lightbulb Moments Resource Cards - Visualisations
Ways You Can Consider to Rewire Your Brain
Using Affirmations To Change Your Beliefs
The Review of this Module on Self-Actualization
Activity Booklet - Defining your Life Goals
Self-Actualization Discussion
Quiz: Self-Awareness and Self-Perception
10 Tips for Improving your Self-Awareness
Lightbulb Moments - Comprehending Emotions

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    Great Course

    This was a really interesting and well-put-together course. It's helped me in Goal setting and understanding how my self-awareness and self-perception play a vital role in making sure I achieve them. Thanks