The Emotionally Intelligent Leader
CourseAdvanced emotional intelligence techniques for leadership through awareness, engagement, and action.
Practitioner in Emotional Intelligence (Approved by the Institute of Leadership)
CourseExplore emotional intelligence through an in-depth examination of the inner world of awareness and the outer world of action.

Introduction to Developing Emotional Intelligence in Teams
Practical Activity: Reflecting about this Course on Emotional Intelligence and Teams
Glossary of Terms
Developing Emotional Intelligence in Teams - Learning Outcomes
Perspectives That Will Challenge Your View on Team Working
Introduction to Teamworking Module - Learning Outcomes
The 3 Virtues of a Ideal Team Player
High Performing Teams and How to Become One
Giving and Receiving Feedback in Team Working
Tips to Develop Emotional Intelligence Working in a Team
Activity Booklet - Assessing the Dynamics of your Team
Activity Booklet - Team Emotional Intelligence Checklist
What is Emotional Intelligence? - Learning Outcomes
Defining Emotional Intelligence
What is the Difference Between EI and EQ?
Emotional Intelligence FAQs
The Difference Between Emotions and Feelings
Insights into Emotions
Emotions and Emotional Intelligence at Work
The Misconceptions Around Positive and Negative Emotions
How the Emotional Climate Influences Teams and Teamworking
Working with the Emotional Climate
Running Virtual Meetings with Emotional Intelligence
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Emotional Intelligence
Activity Booklet - Exploring your Emotional Hot Buttons
Tips for Managing Emotional Hot Buttons and Triggers
Change Management - Learning Outcomes
Attitudes to Change
How People Emotionally Engage With Change
Personal Transition through Change
The Emotional Transition through Change - How to Identify and Work with Emotions Experienced in Change
How to Move from Setback to Comeback
Change Management - Learning Review
Conflict in Teamwork Module - Learning Outcomes
Conflict is Inevitable in Teamwork Yet Has Benefits
Conflict and Trust
The Role of Trust in Teamwork
What the Wheel of Emotions can Tell us about Trust
The Trust Equation
Constructive and Destructive Behaviours in Teamwork
Working with Conflict in Teamwork
The Increasing Intensity of Conflict
Working with Others - Learning Outcomes
Activity Booklet - Assessing your Behavioural Style
The Importance of Behavioural Flexibility
William Moulton-Marston's Model of the Behavioural Expression of Emotions
The High Dominance Behavioural Style
The High Dominance Summary Booklet
The High Influence Behavioural Style
The High Influence Summary Booklet
The High Steadiness Behavioural Style
The High Steadiness Summary Booklet
The High Compliance Behavioural Style
The High Compliance Summary Booklet
The Ideal Behaviours for Ideal Interactions with Each Behavioural Style
Booklet: DISC Do's and Dont's
Working with Others - Learning Review
Activity Booklet - Your Least Favoured Style
Quiz: Test your Knowledge of Working with Other's Styles in Teams
Team Resilience - Learning Outcomes
The Meaning and Definition of Resilience
Why, When and How Resilience is Useful
Investigating Resilient Teams
4 Things That Resilient Teams Do
Developing Resilient Teams as a Leader
Some Techniques That Will Help You to Strengthen Resilience in Others
Three Commonly Used Phrases that Drain Resilience
Strategies for Developing Team Resilience
Emotional Intelligence in Teams - Course Review
Activity Booklet - Learning Review from the Developing Emotional Intelligence in Teams Course
Emotionally Intelligent Teamworking
Lightbulb Moments - Insights into Emotional Intelligence
Lightbulb Moments - Building Trust with Emotional Intelligence
Lightbulb Moments - Communicating with Emotional Intelligence