Practitioner in Emotional Intelligence (Approved by the Institute of Leadership)
CourseExplore emotional intelligence through an in-depth examination of the inner world of awareness and the outer world of action.
Master Practitioner in Emotional Intelligence (Approved by the Institute of Leadership)
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)Cultivate emotional intelligence through advanced techniques of awareness, action, tailored communication, and authentic leadership.

Introduction to the Applying Emotional Intelligence Course
The Business Case for Emotional Intelligence
Practical Activity: Reflecting about this Emotional Intelligence Course
Thinking about Critical Thinking
Exploring Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking and Emotional Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence, GenAI, and Emotional Intelligence
Speaking in Emotionally Intelligent Ways
Why Being Selfish, Prejudiced and Narrow-minded Develops Emotional Intelligence
Rethinking Work-Life Balance: Investigating Common Misconceptions
Some Tips That Will Help You Develop Your Emotional Intelligence
Activity Booklet - Applying Emotional Intelligence at Work Assessment
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on The Inner World
Your Inner World and your Emotional Intelligence
The Benefits of Self-Awareness
How to Develop Self-Awareness
How Emotions Drive Your Thinking and Behaviour
How Emotions Drive Decision Making
The Misconceptions Around Positive and Negative Emotions
How Emotions have been Mapped within the Body
Ways that You can Map Emotions and Moods
Managing Emotions and Moods to Manage Stress and Develop Resilience
The Learning Outcomes of this Module on The Outer World
Your Outer World and your Emotional Intelligence
The Messages in Non-Verbal Signals
The Three Types of Empathy
Ways to Develop Empathy
How Preferences Drive Behaviour
Working with Behavioural Preferences
The Rules of Rapport - Developing Social Skills Through Rapport
An In-Depth Overview of Emotional Unintelligence
Activity Booklet - The Emotionally Unintelligent Leader
The Vital Emotional Intelligence Skill of Coaching
Experience Coaching Through Blind Coaching
The Difference Between Sports Coaching and Professional Coaching
5 Functions of an Emotionally Intelligent Team
How the Emotional Climate Influences Teams and Teamworking
Working with the Emotional Climate
Test How You Apply Your Emotional Intelligence
Activity Booklet - Three Good Things
Conclusion to the Course