Human Side of Leadership - Introduction
The Human Side of Leadership - Learning Outcomes
The Importance of Creating a Positive Workplace Culture
The Emotional Intelligence Iceberg
Artificial Intelligence, GenAI, and Emotional Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence, Context and Human Leadership
The Misconceptions About Positive and Negative Emotions
How Being Selfish, Prejudiced and Narrow-Minded Helps you to be More Emotionally Intelligent
Emotional Intelligence, VUCA and Empathy
Harnessing Emotional Intelligence in Multigenerational Workforces
Rethinking Work-Life Balance: Investigating Common Misconceptions
Using Nudge Theory to Influence Irrational Decision-Making
Activity Booklet - Reflecting about this Leadership Course
Quiz: How Confident are You as a Leader?
Filtering Reality
Exploring the Sensory Input Channels
The Illusion of Attention and Inattentional Blindness
The Influence of Values and Beliefs on Decisions
The Differences Between a Fixed Mindset and a Growth Mindset
Leadership Principles - Considering the Deletion Filter
Leadership Principles - Considering the Distortion Filter
Leadership Principles - Considering the Generalisation Filter
Moving Beyond Past Experiences into a New Reality
The Skill-Will Matrix
Activity Booklet - Applying Emotional Intelligence at Work Assessment
Introducing Human Factors
Why Considering Human Factors is Useful
The Benefits of the Non-Technical Skills of Human Factors
Everyone's Rights and Responsibilities
The Rules of Assertiveness
Activity Booklet - Leadership and the Rules of Assertiveness
Introduction to the Human Side of Leadership and Climate Change
Applying Emotional Intelligence to Climate Change
Leadership and Climate Change
Leadership, Organisations and Climate Change
The Flow of Energy
Insights into Energy - Learning Outcomes
The Dimensions of Energy
Energy Cycles
Energy Quality and Quantity
Energy Management
Energy Expenditure
Positive Energy Rituals
Sources of Energy - Breathing, Nutrition and Hydration
Sources of Energy - Sleep, Exercise and Stress
Sources of Energy - Focus and Concentration, and Critical Thinking
Insights into Energy - Learning Review
Activity Booklet - Energy Management Action Plan
Behavioural Flexibility
Activity Booklet - The Transactional Analysis Questionnaire
Introducing Transactional Analysis
Investigating Transactions
Further Considerations about Transactional Analysis
Ten Tips for Maintaining Adult to Adult Transactions
Booklet - Understanding Communication with Transactional Analysis
Activity Booklet - Working with Ego States
Investigating Strokes
Stroke Filters
Activity Booklet - Analysing your Stroking Profile
Life Positions - Feeling Okay
Quiz: Transactional Analysis Quiz
Investigating Motivational Drivers
Introducing Transactional Analysis Drivers
Activity Booklet - Identifying your Drivers
Be Perfect
Be Strong
Hurry Up
Please Others
Try Hard
Transactional Analysis Drivers - Summary
Lightbulb Moments - Transactional Analysis Drivers
Facial Expressions
What Brain Damage can Tell us about Emotions
Booklet - Emotional Expression on the Face
Working with Facial Expressions
How to Work with Expressed Emotions
Activity Booklet - Interpreting Expressed Emotions
Lightbulb Moments - Comprehending Emotions
Quiz: Some Emotional Intelligence Case Studies
The Human Side of Leadership Course Review
Activity Booklet - Three Good Things
Conclusion to the Course